Customer Testimonials
Kevin's 3-Month Transformation

"I never had acne ever, Ive always been known to have a clear face. Going into my first year of college, my face took a turn for the worst. My face became acne city, and this took a toll on my life completely. I tried everything: everything you could possibly buy from a CVS.
My dermatologist prescribed me millions of different medicines, but nothing worked. I tried Muddy Body, and I saw results in under 2 days... "

"...My face seemed less red and my skin was less dry. Using this product over a month, my acne lessened and my skin was more hydrated. Over the 2nd month, I had little to no acne at all, and my skin was restored with a natural shine. Onto my 3rd month, Muddy Body is repairing my skin, taking away all blemished scars.
Muddy Body gave me my self esteem back. I love my skin so much."
- Kevin from NJ, United States
Alexandra's 3-Month Transformation

"I was never prone to acne up until about two years ago. I tried regular drug store brand face wash, toners, cremes and treatments, but nothing seemed to work. After year or so of trying those products I reached out to my doctor, who them prescribed me a pill form of acne treatment, which failed me.
I was then referred to a dermatologist who upped my dose of the medication, along with a prescription for retin-a creme, clindamycin spot treatment, and a benzoyl peroxide face wash. I stood by all of these things and hoped for the best, all I got was dry, sensitive, red, and still acne filled skin.
I was skeptical about face mask because I did not know much about them, but I took a chance in buying the Muddy Body masks, all three of them to be exact, just to make sure I could give the product a real chance..."

"...I stopped using all the prescribed stuff from my doctor and just started using a regular biorè face wash once a day and I alternated the three different mask twice a week
After the first use of the detox mask, I noticed a huge difference. The more I began to use the relax and the refresh mask I was able to see a ridiculously, totally amazing difference in my skin. Not only did my acne start to disappear, but my redness and scaring was really reduced. It is great to see the transformation my skin has gone through, the Muddy Body products have given me back my confidence in so many ways.
I recommend these masks to everyone I come across because even with my acne being under control, I still continue to see a difference in my skin and I can only imagine my results will be getting better as I continue the use of the Muddy Body masks."
- Alexandra from CA, United States
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